I was interviewed on a podcast last night and we got to talking about inspiration/influence and what motivates me. I spoke about how I find raw talent and vulnerability to be the most impactful and inspiring. Art (from paintings to music to books and more) that makes you FEEL. It’s those things that push me to take risks, to be vulnerable, and to create.
I’m so proud of how much SUGAR & VICE has made people stop and feel. How many people have come to me to say they’ve had similar experiences, or to thank me for sharing my stories and then sharing their OWN stories. How one woman- before reading anything or even knowing the premise behind the show- remarked at just how nostalgic they were. How they kept reminding her of a specific time and feeling from her life. (Such a validating moment!)
This grouping is an especially emotional rollercoaster for people-and almost everyone reacted the exact same way (especially women.) First, with “Gold Star Dependent” there was a look of being seen- of recognition and understanding. Then with “Balloon Animals”- laughter. Every single time. (And a little bit of surprise.) And then lastly, heartbreak with “Stories People Tell.” This was where men and women differed a bit. Men were quieter and more still, while almost every woman physically responded. More than once I heard a sharp gasp, two times I saw tears, and almost everyone put her hand to her heart. It was truly amazing to witness.
If you haven’t seen the show or read the stories yet, you still have a little while left (until September 29th to be exact.) And if you can’t make it to Balance Design in Atlanta, click on “SHOP- current collection” to view everything there.
View from Courtney Khail’s newest collection, Sugar & Vice